
Water Intelligence Technology

Water intelligence Cloud diagram

WINT detects leaks in real-time using artificial intelligence. WINT devices alert maintenance staff and can automatically shut off water when needed.

WINT uses artificial intelligence and signal processing to detect water leaks and waste. It continuously learns and adapts to your water network to ensure detection is optimized for your site. And it compares your site’s usage over time and relative to other similar locations to help you optimize your water efficiency.

WINT supports flexible action policies to meet the different needs of specific sites. Various policies can be set for different times such as weekends, working hours and off-hours, peak times, etc.

When WINT detect a leak, it applies artificial intelligence to makes suggestions that identify the source of leaks so staff can quickly fix issues.

WINT integrates with building management systems for unified control across the facility

WINT devices communicate with the cloud over the cellular network. They are fully autonomous and will continue to operate even regardless of communication.

The WINT cloud delivers reports, collects water analytics and computes various KPIs. Trend analysis lets you analyze water use and consumption patterns over time and locations.

Water flow

The toilet tank fills up, but water continues to flow at 400 liters per hour

Water is flushed and hands are washed with a typical toilet-flush pattern

WINT identifies the water waste, determines that this is a stuck toilet and alerts staff

Water-flow diagram of a stuck toilet

High accuracy devices detect the smallest leaks

Continuous learning adapts to your unique water network

Flexible prevention and alerting policies

Remote water shutoff and activation


Reports and analytics for water use insights

Advanced management portal for full control

Secure communication with cellular connectivity

AC or battery powered for flexible deployment

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